Equally problematic is an isolated keyhole-shaped pit (F288) at the extreme north end of Site I. It is about 2m long, a maximum of 1m wide, 0.48m deep, and has a sloping side to the west. The walls of the pit were very heavily burnt and the fill comprised about 0.4m3 of white powdery material interspersed with lenses of charcoal. This material was provisionally interpreted as cremated bone, the feature being seen as a possible crematorium dating to the later Neolithic (Darvill 1997, 26-7). It is now known, however, that it dates to Cal AD 427-596 (1560 ±60 BP (Beta-110689)). Of broadly the same date is a fragment of glass bead and part of a copper-alloy broach from the uppermost fill of F360 in Site J just 25m away to the north.