Our Membership

MAG currently has around 90 members. This includes individuals from many areas of the profession, including practicing field archaeologists, conservators, SMR officers, university and college lecturers, researchers, avocational archaeologists and many other related areas of the discipline.

There are two main types of membership:

Full Members:are members of the IFA, will be invited to MAG Seminars, sent bi-annual bulleting, be kept informed of MAG activities and asked to participate in the group's administration.

Associate members: are not members of the IFA, will receive information about seminars, and open meetings of the group.

Join Us!

So to join the Maritime Affairs Group as a full member, join the IFA, then inform main IFA that you would like to be part of the Maritime Affairs Special Interest Group, they will pass your details on to us.

Full details of how to join and application packs are avialable on the main IFA website

If you would like to be an Associate member of MAG e-mail Mark Dunkley (Secretary)