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The School of Conservation Sciences

Welcome to the

'Learning to handle Data' homepage

The material on these pages has been designed to help you to understand the broad philosophies that scientists (of all disciplines) employ to gather, sort, analyse and make deductions from the large amounts of numerical data that they collect during the course of their researches.

Your ability to handle data effectively will be one of the most useful 'tools' you will acquire during your undergraduate course.

There are many examples of the various techniques in action and also interactive exercises to help you to test your own progress and understanding.


How to get the best out of this learning support website

Preface page: "Learning to handle data effectively"

Check out the overview to Level C (certificate)

Check out the overview to Level I (Intermediate)

Glossary of technical terms

Go to the 'complete contents' page

The signpost page (help in selecting the correct test to use)

Full selection of SPSS datasets used in the text

E.P, A.P, E.C.B, & E.C.M students enter here ! (Level C STEP 1)


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The font is sans serif throughout.

Created by: A.J.Flux, School of Conservation Sciences.

Autumn 2002.