In the immediate vicinity of the Billown
Quarry Site geophysical surveys have been undertaken in adjacent fields
to track the routes of linear features and define their associations. Part
of Land Parcel 6800 was examined in 1995, when a possible cursus monument
was revealed (Loughlin in Darvill 1996a, 14). In 1997 a survey of whole
field confirmed the presence and alignment of the possible cursus, and
revealed further evidence for the line of the Neolithic boundaries, and
a possible ring-ditch or small henge. A small area of Land parcel 6025
to the north-west was also examined, but no major anomalies were found.
Further south, Land Parcel 7791 revealed at least three successive patterns
of field boundaries. Land-Parcel 0087 at Cross Four Ways was also surveyed
in 1997, but with little result. This field has been heavily disturbed
in the past, with cottages along the southern boundary and extensive dumping
of quarry waste at the north end.
Slightly further afield, the areas around all the standing stones within 2km or so of the Billown Quarry Site have been surveyed. Most seem to stand on or beside linear boundaries of one kind or another (Darvill 1996a, 42). The Ballahot 2 Standing Stone was excavated as part of a restoration programme, and while the stone is relatively modern, some of the boundaries around it are probably ancient.
The biggest surprise to come from these surveys was at Skibrick Hill about 900m south of the Billown Quarry Site. Here, in 1995, it was found that the standing stone stood between what appeared to be a series of ditch terminals. Extensive detailed surveys in 1996 revealed that in fact it stood in the eastern entrance of a multi-ditched enclosure of oval plan, covering the whole hill-top. The enclosure was bounded by four roughly concentric lines of ditches (not all necessarily contemporary), with opposing entrances at the east and west ends. Externally it measured about 345m east-west by 245m north-south, the interior area being approximately 177m by 154m. There are traces of at least one circular feature within the enclosure and an oval feature either overlying or cut by one of the boundary ditches on the north-west side. Linear features were also detected running across the site and connecting with it on the north-east side. The date of the enclosure is not yet known.
Further afield detailed topographic
surveys are being carried out at intervisible Neolithic and Bronze Age
monuments within about 10km of the Billown Quarry Site. To date studies
have been made of the Billown Stone Circle, Ballahot Round Barrow, Mull
Hill Chambered Tomb, Ballakelly Chambered Tomb, and South Barrule. Other
monuments will be surveyed in future seasons.
Environmental sampling in the Billown
area is being carried out to help inform understanding of earlier patterns
of vegetation. Two areas have been targeted. First, around Ballanorris
(c.SC 255694). Here, waterlogged deposits were located in the ditch
adjacent to the prehistoric round house. Second, south-west of Great Meadow
near Castletown (c.SC 264688) where a series of palaeochannels were