Speakers List for TAG 1997 Bournemouth Dec 16th to 18th


Ingold , Tim  Dept of Social Anthropology, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL   Picasso in the Palaeolithic? Art, Humanity and Modernity 
Iwanaga, Shozo  Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute, Japan   State formation processes: from a integrative perspective 
Janik, L   Newnham College, Cambridge CB3 9DF   Visual perception of the body in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic figural art 
Jones, Andy  Dept of Archaeology, University of Glasgow   From the Womb to the Tomb: Pots, Metaphors and the shape of technology 
Jones, C   Sheffield University   Stone tools and evolution 
Jones, Prof. Martin   Dept of Archaeology, University of Cambridge CB2 3DZ   Introduction: The Impact of Ancient DNA on Archaeology 
Kamenetsky, Dr Igor  Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia   Family structure among Metsk tribes 
Kaniari, A   Wolfson College, Barton Road, CB3 9BB   The physical self exposed: exhibiting the body as/in art and archaeology 
Karlsson, Hakan  University of Gothenburg   Back to the Phenomenon of Phenomenology 
Keates, Stephen  Dept of Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT   Raising the dead: statue menhirs in their ritual context 
Khrisanfova, Elena N   
& Ekaterina Y Bouliguina  
Anthropology Dept, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Vorobiovy Gory, Biology Faculty, Academic Pavlov Str, 26-89, 121552 Moscow, Russia   Reconstruction of the Body Morphology of the Hominid from Broken-Hill Zambia and the Application of the Results to the Study of Modern Human Evolution and Migrations 
Kitchen, Willy  University of Sheffield   Filling in the spaces when there's no-body at home 
Kneebone, Ron,   
Clay Mathers and John Schelberg  
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA and US Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, NM, USA   'Drawing Distinctions': Towards a Scalar Model of Value and Significance 
Koerner, Stephanie  Dept of Anthropology, 3H01 Forbes Quadrangle, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA   Human Environmental Relationships in the Pre-Columbian Venezuelan Savannas 900-1400 AD and Neolithic Denmark 3500-3100 BC 
Kok , Marjolin  University of Leiden, The Netherlands   The homecoming of religious practice in the Netherlands 
Korobov, Dimitri  Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia   Distinguishing local groups among early medieval catacomb cemeteries in the North Caucasus 
Kozlovskaya , Dr M  Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia   Biological adaptation in the ancient Euroasian Eskimo society 
Kuman , Kathleen  Dept of Archaeology, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa   Prepared Core Technique in the Late Acheulean of South Africa: A Question of Transitions 
Kurtis Lesick   Dept of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. email: lesickk@mail.cadvision.com   To Undermine or Underscore - Why must Meta-Archaeology be an Anti-Archaeology? 
Last, Dr. Jonathan  University of Cambridge, Cambridge   Moving house: altered visions of the domestic in the Neolithic of Europe 
Lee, K Alexandra   University of Cambridge, Cambridge   Infant sacrifice at Carthage and the social ideal of the child 
Legendre, Jean-Pierre   Service Régionale de l¹Archéologie de Lorraine, Metz   Ideological propagands and archaeology in Alsace eastern France during the second annexation 1940-1944 
Little, Barbara J.  National Park Service, USA   The National Register of Historic Places and the Shaping of Archaeological Significance 
Lucas, Gavin   
& Victor Buchli  
Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University   The Archaeology of Alienation: A late 20th Century British Council Flat 
Lucy, Dr. Sam  Dept of Archaeology, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE   The Placing of the Dead in Early Medieval Yorkshire. 
MacHugh, Dr. David   Bovine Genetics, Dept of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Eire email dmachugh@mail.tcd.ie   The origins of domesticated cattle - evidence from DNA studies 
Majewski, Teresita   
& Schiffer Michael Brian 
Dept of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona & Statistical Research, Inc., Tucson, Arizona   Beyond Consumption: Toward an Archaeology of Consumerism 
Makarov, N.  
I.V. Ovchinnikov, E. Druzina, O. Ovtchinnikova, A. Buzhilova 
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036  DNA analysis and the study of sexual sturcture in extinct human populations 
Malone, C ,   
S Stoddart, & M Tommony  
Antiquity Office, New Hall, Cambridge, CB3 ODF.and Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ   Articulating disarticulation: a Maltese experience 
Marcen, Dr. Paloma G  
& Dr Marina Picazo  
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain   "What needs to be done everyday": the creation of maintenance activities 
Marciniak, Arkadiusz  Institute of Prehistory, University of Poznan, sw.Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznan Poland   Animal Bone Assemblages and Social Sphere: Example of the Central European Neolithic 
Baxter,  Mary  Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ   Dismembering secondary burial 
Mathers, Clay,   
John Schelberg and Ron Kneebone  
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA and US Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, NM, USA   'Drawing Distinctions': Towards a Scalar Model of Value and Significance 
Mathews, Keith J  Chester County Archaeological Unit, Chester   Archaeology as modernist project speculations, examples of "Ways of Seeing" 
Matthews, Keith  University of Liverpool   Archaeology and the extraterrestrial: Blair Cuspids, Martian monuments and beyond the infinite 
Mays, Simon  English Heritage, 23 Savile Row, London W1X 1AB   New directions in the scientific study of infant skeletons from archaeological sites 
McElearney, Graham  
Judith Winters, & Kathryn Denning  
Archaeology and Archaeological Science Research School, University of Sheffield, West Court, 2 Mappin St., Sheffield S2 4DT   Meeting in the Middle of Nowhere: Sharing Archaeology with an Audience in Cyberspace 
McFadyen, Lesley K  University of Southampton   Gossiping on people's bodies 
McKinley, Jacqueline I  Wessex Archaeology, Salisbury   From Spong Mincer to Cremulator - What use is a Heap of Ashes? 
Membury , Steve  Heritage Lincolnshire   The celluloid archaeologist 
Milliken, Sarah   
& Diego Angelucci  
Departimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Università di Ferrara, Corso Ercole I d'Este 32, 44100 Ferrara, Italy   Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Theory and Method in Italian archaeology 
Mithen, Steven  Dept of Archaeology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 128, Reading RG6 6AA   Want to Make a Hand-axe? Well, Just Say the Word! 
Mizoguchi , Koji  Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, Japan   Can Marxist ideas still play a role in archaeology in the late Modernity 
Monton, Dr Sandra   
& Dr. Laia Colomer  
University of Leiden, The Netherlands & University of Cambridge, Cambridge   Feeding societies: cooking as foregrounding social dynamics 
Morris, Richard  CBA, Bows Morrell House, 111 Walmgate, York YO1 2UA   What the Papers Say 
Murphy, Julia  University of Wales, Lampeter   A Novel and Poetic Prehistory 
Mussi , Margherita  Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichité, Università di Roma, Via Palestro 63, 00185 Roma, Italia   In Search of Palaeo-Shamanism 
Nash, George  Dept of Archaeology, University of Wales, Lampeter   Defining a Landscape - Rock Art as a boundary of cultural and social/political identity 
Norman, Alex  Sheffield University   The Art of Fine Archaeology 
Ohman, James C,   
Chris Wood, Bernard Wood, Robin H Crompton, Michael M Günther, Li Yu, Russell Savage, and Weijie Wang  
Hominid Palaeontology Research Group, Primate Evolution and Morphology Group, Dept of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, New Medical School, University of Liverpool, Ashton Street, Liverpool L69 3GE & Dept of Anthropology, George Washington University, 2110 G Street NW, Washington DC 20052, USA   Body Size and Shape of KNM-WT 15000 
Ohman, James C.  
and Andrew Gallagher  
Hominid Palaeontology Research Group, Dept of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Liverpool, New Medical School, Ashton Street, Liverpool L69 3GE   Is There an Empirical Basis for Ecogeographical Patterning in Homo Sapiens? 
Olivier , Laurent  Musée des Antiquités Nationales, St Germain-en-Laye, France   The French response to the globalisation of archaeology 
Otte , Marcel  Université de Liege, Service de Préhistoire, Place du XX Août 7 bât A1, B-4000 Liege, Belgique   Anatomical Modernity as a Cultural Product 
Ovchinnikov, I.V.,  
E. Druzina, O. Ovtchinnikova, A. Buzhilova , N. Makarov 
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036  DNA analysis and the study of sexual sturcture in extinct human populations 
Ovtchinnikova, O., 
I.V. Ovchinnikov, E. Druzina, , A. Buzhilova , N. Makarov 
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036  DNA analysis and the study of sexual structure in extinct human populations 






Last updated Dec 5th 1997