Ingold , Tim | Dept of Social Anthropology, The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL | Picasso in the Palaeolithic? Art, Humanity and Modernity |
Iwanaga, Shozo | Nara National Cultural Properties Research Institute, Japan | State formation processes: from a integrative perspective |
Janik, L | Newnham College, Cambridge CB3 9DF | Visual perception of the body in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic figural art |
Jones, Andy | Dept of Archaeology, University of Glasgow | From the Womb to the Tomb: Pots, Metaphors and the shape of technology |
Jones, C | Sheffield University | Stone tools and evolution |
Jones, Prof. Martin | Dept of Archaeology, University of Cambridge CB2 3DZ | Introduction: The Impact of Ancient DNA on Archaeology |
Kamenetsky, Dr Igor | Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia | Family structure among Metsk tribes |
Kaniari, A | Wolfson College, Barton Road, CB3 9BB | The physical self exposed: exhibiting the body as/in art and archaeology |
Karlsson, Hakan | University of Gothenburg | Back to the Phenomenon of Phenomenology |
Keates, Stephen | Dept of Ancient History and Archaeology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT | Raising the dead: statue menhirs in their ritual context |
Elena N
& Ekaterina Y Bouliguina |
Anthropology Dept, Moscow Lomonosov State University, Vorobiovy Gory, Biology Faculty, Academic Pavlov Str, 26-89, 121552 Moscow, Russia | Reconstruction of the Body Morphology of the Hominid from Broken-Hill Zambia and the Application of the Results to the Study of Modern Human Evolution and Migrations |
Kitchen, Willy | University of Sheffield | Filling in the spaces when there's no-body at home |
Clay Mathers and John Schelberg |
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA and US Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, NM, USA | 'Drawing Distinctions': Towards a Scalar Model of Value and Significance |
Koerner, Stephanie | Dept of Anthropology, 3H01 Forbes Quadrangle, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA | Human Environmental Relationships in the Pre-Columbian Venezuelan Savannas 900-1400 AD and Neolithic Denmark 3500-3100 BC |
Kok , Marjolin | University of Leiden, The Netherlands | The homecoming of religious practice in the Netherlands |
Korobov, Dimitri | Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia | Distinguishing local groups among early medieval catacomb cemeteries in the North Caucasus |
Kozlovskaya , Dr M | Institute of Archaeology, Moscow, Russia | Biological adaptation in the ancient Euroasian Eskimo society |
Kuman , Kathleen | Dept of Archaeology, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, Johannesburg, South Africa | Prepared Core Technique in the Late Acheulean of South Africa: A Question of Transitions |
Kurtis Lesick | Dept of Archaeology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada. email: | To Undermine or Underscore - Why must Meta-Archaeology be an Anti-Archaeology? |
Last, Dr. Jonathan | University of Cambridge, Cambridge | Moving house: altered visions of the domestic in the Neolithic of Europe |
Lee, K Alexandra | University of Cambridge, Cambridge | Infant sacrifice at Carthage and the social ideal of the child |
Legendre, Jean-Pierre | Service Régionale de l¹Archéologie de Lorraine, Metz | Ideological propagands and archaeology in Alsace eastern France during the second annexation 1940-1944 |
Little, Barbara J. | National Park Service, USA | The National Register of Historic Places and the Shaping of Archaeological Significance |
& Victor Buchli |
Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University | The Archaeology of Alienation: A late 20th Century British Council Flat |
Lucy, Dr. Sam | Dept of Archaeology, University of Durham, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE | The Placing of the Dead in Early Medieval Yorkshire. |
MacHugh, Dr. David | Bovine Genetics, Dept of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Eire email | The origins of domesticated cattle - evidence from DNA studies |
& Schiffer Michael Brian |
Dept of Anthropology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona & Statistical Research, Inc., Tucson, Arizona | Beyond Consumption: Toward an Archaeology of Consumerism |
I.V. Ovchinnikov, E. Druzina, O. Ovtchinnikova, A. Buzhilova |
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036 | DNA analysis and the study of sexual sturcture in extinct human populations |
C ,
S Stoddart, & M Tommony |
Antiquity Office, New Hall, Cambridge, CB3 ODF.and Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DZ | Articulating disarticulation: a Maltese experience |
Dr. Paloma G
& Dr Marina Picazo |
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain | "What needs to be done everyday": the creation of maintenance activities |
Marciniak, Arkadiusz | Institute of Prehistory, University of Poznan, sw.Marcin 78, 61-809 Poznan Poland | Animal Bone Assemblages and Social Sphere: Example of the Central European Neolithic |
Baxter, Mary | Dept of Archaeology, Cambridge University, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DZ | Dismembering secondary burial |
John Schelberg and Ron Kneebone |
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA and US Army Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque, NM, USA | 'Drawing Distinctions': Towards a Scalar Model of Value and Significance |
Mathews, Keith J | Chester County Archaeological Unit, Chester | Archaeology as modernist project speculations, examples of "Ways of Seeing" |
Matthews, Keith | University of Liverpool | Archaeology and the extraterrestrial: Blair Cuspids, Martian monuments and beyond the infinite |
Mays, Simon | English Heritage, 23 Savile Row, London W1X 1AB | New directions in the scientific study of infant skeletons from archaeological sites |
Judith Winters, & Kathryn Denning |
Archaeology and Archaeological Science Research School, University of Sheffield, West Court, 2 Mappin St., Sheffield S2 4DT | Meeting in the Middle of Nowhere: Sharing Archaeology with an Audience in Cyberspace |
McFadyen, Lesley K | University of Southampton | Gossiping on people's bodies |
McKinley, Jacqueline I | Wessex Archaeology, Salisbury | From Spong Mincer to Cremulator - What use is a Heap of Ashes? |
Membury , Steve | Heritage Lincolnshire | The celluloid archaeologist |
& Diego Angelucci |
Departimento di Scienze Geologiche e Paleontologiche, Università di Ferrara, Corso Ercole I d'Este 32, 44100 Ferrara, Italy | Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Theory and Method in Italian archaeology |
Mithen, Steven | Dept of Archaeology, University of Reading, Whiteknights, PO Box 128, Reading RG6 6AA | Want to Make a Hand-axe? Well, Just Say the Word! |
Mizoguchi , Koji | Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Kyushu University, Japan | Can Marxist ideas still play a role in archaeology in the late Modernity |
Dr Sandra
& Dr. Laia Colomer |
University of Leiden, The Netherlands & University of Cambridge, Cambridge | Feeding societies: cooking as foregrounding social dynamics |
Morris, Richard | CBA, Bows Morrell House, 111 Walmgate, York YO1 2UA | What the Papers Say |
Murphy, Julia | University of Wales, Lampeter | A Novel and Poetic Prehistory |
Mussi , Margherita | Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichité, Università di Roma, Via Palestro 63, 00185 Roma, Italia | In Search of Palaeo-Shamanism |
Nash, George | Dept of Archaeology, University of Wales, Lampeter | Defining a Landscape - Rock Art as a boundary of cultural and social/political identity |
Norman, Alex | Sheffield University | The Art of Fine Archaeology |
James C,
Chris Wood, Bernard Wood, Robin H Crompton, Michael M Günther, Li Yu, Russell Savage, and Weijie Wang |
Hominid Palaeontology Research Group, Primate Evolution and Morphology Group, Dept of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, New Medical School, University of Liverpool, Ashton Street, Liverpool L69 3GE & Dept of Anthropology, George Washington University, 2110 G Street NW, Washington DC 20052, USA | Body Size and Shape of KNM-WT 15000 |
James C.
and Andrew Gallagher |
Hominid Palaeontology Research Group, Dept of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, The University of Liverpool, New Medical School, Ashton Street, Liverpool L69 3GE | Is There an Empirical Basis for Ecogeographical Patterning in Homo Sapiens? |
Olivier , Laurent | Musée des Antiquités Nationales, St Germain-en-Laye, France | The French response to the globalisation of archaeology |
Otte , Marcel | Université de Liege, Service de Préhistoire, Place du XX Août 7 bât A1, B-4000 Liege, Belgique | Anatomical Modernity as a Cultural Product |
E. Druzina, O. Ovtchinnikova, A. Buzhilova , N. Makarov |
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036 | DNA analysis and the study of sexual sturcture in extinct human populations |
I.V. Ovchinnikov, E. Druzina, , A. Buzhilova , N. Makarov |
Genetic Identification Center, Moscow 111123; Institute of Gerontology, Moscow 111539, Institute of Archaeology, Moscow 117036 | DNA analysis and the study of sexual structure in extinct human populations |
A-C |
D-H |
P-S |
T-Z |